The Sisu Study

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Be part of an important research study about mental toughness in endurance athletes.

Sisu is a Finnish word that means grit. The purpose of this research study is to develop a mental toughness personality profile in endurance athletes, The Sisu Profile. Participants will be asked to answer a survey that will take about 6 minutes to complete. While there are no direct benefits to participants, you will be helping to increase knowledge about mental toughness in endurance athletes which can be used to provide education for mental skills training.

  • Are you over the age of 18?
  • Are you an endurance athlete?

If you answered YES to these questions, you are eligible to participate in a mental toughness research study.

If you are interested in participating in this study, here is the link:

This study is being conducted by Joanna Zeiger, M.S., Ph.D, an Olympian and World Champion in triathlon. Approval for this study has been granted by Solutions IRB. Please contact Joanna at joannazeiger [at] comcast [dot] net for more information or questions.